Un viaggio in bicicletta di ben 8.192 km tra Brasile, Paraguay, Argentina e Cile. Ad affrontarlo due esperti cicloturisti che hanno unito le loro più grandi passioni, la bici e le terre lontane, in quest'avventura alla fine del mondo. Paolo ed Enrico, questi i loro nomi, partiranno dalle meravigliose Cascate dell'Iguazú per arrivare ad Ushuaia, la città più a sud del mondo, attraversando la vasta pianura della Patagonia argentina. Al ritorno pedaleranno invece sulla Cordigliera delle Ande Cilene da Punta Arenas a Santiago del Cile, dove si concluderà il viaggio.

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19 Marzo 2016 – Vieni a donare al Dynamo Camp

By on March 14, 2016

The March 19, 2016 come to donate to the Dynamo Camp! Participates in Patagonia Coast to Coast with your bike, discover the journey and experience the thrill of a gesture of love for children and their families.

Patagonia Cost to Coast is a bike trip through Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Chile, designed and supported by the largest community of Italy dedicated to cycling. To face two cyclists experts share the same passion and the different trips behind cycling solo: Paolo Pagni, owner of (7 times of Santiago pilgrim MTB) and Enrico Roberto Carrara (Via Francigena, Camino de Santiago, Holy Land, North Cape).

Over 7500 km through Patagonia, 100 days to raise funds destined to Dynamo Camp. Dynamo is the first Recreational Therapy camp in Italy specifically structured to provide free accommodation for children for holidays and leisure, and boys, aged 6 to 17 years, medical therapy or post hospitalization. The association also active support services for parents and children’s brothers.

Among the first partners participating in the project of Patagonia Coast to Coast is EMD118, which in addition to supporting the initiative with a financial contribution, will donate a HeartSine Samaritan PAD, in a ceremony to be held March 19 at the headquarters of Dynamo Camp in Campo Tizzoro (PT). The defibrillator will be led by bike by Paul and Enrico from Pescia to Campo Tizzoro and handed over to the representatives Sara Rizzi, Head of Fundraising and Alessio Tasselli, Head of Outdoor Activities and Oasis. The ceremony will also feature Simone Madiai, EMD118 CEO. All cyclists passing through or in training to Campo Tizzoro are welcome to ride along with Paolo and Enrico up to the headquarters of Dynamo Camp!